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Accu Battery

Today's roundup is presented by Accu Battery from Digibites. Batteries today are ubiquitous with just about every device we use, as they play a critical role in our day-to-day that is difficult to dismiss. This means that it is pretty important to stay on top of your battery usage. Keeping track of what is using too much battery or just checking your current usage projections can be plenty helpful when out and about, as every spare milliamp-hour can be crucial in getting things done. Luckily Accu Battery is here to keep us informed, that way our batteries can run longer and more efficiently.
Accu Battery protects battery health, displays battery usage information, and measures battery capacity (mAh) based on science. Batteries have a limited lifespan. Every time you charge your device, it wears out the battery, lowering its total capacity. Scientific research shows that battery lifespan can be extended up to 200%, when you charge your device to only 80%. Accu Battery measures the actual battery usage using information from the battery charge controller. Battery usage per app is determined by combining these measurements with information on which app is in the foreground. Android calculates battery usage using pre-baked profiles that device manufacturers provide, like how much power the CPU uses. In practice however, these numbers tend to be highly inaccurate.
  • Measure real battery capacity (in mAh).
  • Use the charge alarm to prolong battery lifespan.
  • See how much wear your battery sustains with each charge session.
  • Look up the discharge speed and battery consumption per app.
  • Remaining charge time - know how long it takes before your battery is charged.
  • Remaining use time - know when you will run out of battery.
  • Screen on or screen off estimations.
  • Check the percentage of deep sleep, when the device is in standby mode.
  • Ongoing notification for real time battery statistics at a glance.
Pro Features
  • Real-time CPU and power usage overlay for spotting battery draining processes.
  • Use Dark and AMOLED black themes to save energy.
  • Access to historical sessions older than 1 day.
  • Detailed battery statistics in notification.
  • No ads

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