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I showed that, how to create a Wi-Fi hotspot in laptop and share it with other devices without any software. Click here to see if anyone would like to.

Someone trying to make the hotspot in your laptop with windows 7 or windows 8, every command has done and share wireless internet connection with any wireless LAN devices. When one man tries to start the hosted network using this command 'netsh wlan start hostednerwork'. But someone has a problem in starting the hotspot using the start command in 'Command Prompt' and get these errors 'The hosted network could not be started'.

hosted network could not be started

These errors can easily be resolved using the following solution.

Step 1: To solve 'The hosted network could not be started':

For Windows 8 'Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter' is created when 'netsh wlan start hostednetwork' is started. Then the virtual adapter appears in the 'Network and Sharing Center'.

If it is not started, disabling the Wi-Fi adapter in the Network and Sharing Center and then try it again enables. Sometimes only rebooting helps for some network routers in Windows 8.

If Power Management is disabled for the wireless network adapter then the virtual Wi-Fi adapter fails to start. For this reason, you can enable 'Power Management' in the 'Network Sharing Center'. Then you go to

  1. 'Control Panel'
  2. 'Network Sharing Center'
  3. 'Change adapter settings'
  4. Right click the Wi-Fi adapter and select 'Properties'
  5. For setting up a wireless network click 'Power Management' Tab
  6. Selected the option 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' also selected 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' and click Ok.
  7. Then try to start your hosted network with 'Command Prompt' by typing 'netsh wlan start hostednetwork'.

  1. Right click the 'My Computer' icon then click 'Manage' for open 'Device Manager'.
  2. Click 'Device Manager' go to 'Network adapters'. Find your Wireless adapter that you want to make a Wi-Fi hotspot for the internet connection sharing to a Wi-Fi enabled device. Right click on this device (see with wireless adapter's name) and open 'Properties'.
  3. Go to the 'Power Management' Tab.
  4. Selected the option 'Allow this device to wake up the computer' also selected 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'.
  5. Then click Ok.

setting up a wireless network

Then try to start your hosted network with 'Command Prompt' by typing 'netsh wlan start hostednetwork'. If it starts then the solution worked and problem solved but in case if you still get the same error then following the second step.

Step 2: To solve 'The hosted network could not be started':

When step 1 not worked then you understand your hosted network mode may be hung or sleep. For this unwanted problem you can easily resolve it by uninstalling the adapter and then again reinstalling it.

Again go to the Wi-Fi adapter in the device manager. Right click your Wi-Fi adapter from network adapters and click on 'uninstall'. Then uninstalled your Wi-Fi adapter driver from your computer.
uninstall the driver

After finishing uninstall the driver click on the 'Scan for hardware changes' at the top pane below, look into the screenshot if you can not find the button for scanning for new hardware. It will reinstall your driver for the Wi-Fi adapter.

reinstall driver

After the Wi-Fi adapter has been uninstalled and reinstalled, now again start the hosted Wi-Fi network or the Wi-Fi hotspot using the command 'netsh wlan start hostednetwork' then it will start.

hosted network started

Now you will share wireless internet connection with Wi-Fi enable devices at any time at anywhere.

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